Hey, I’m Libby! I’m so glad you’re here!

A little bit about me

I'm an Oncology Training and Development Fellow with Rutgers University and a first-generation college graduate from Purdue University. Much like yours, my journey was marked by uncertainty and a hunger for guidance.

✨The spark

As a first-gen student, I didn’t have the same resources as my peers. I struggled with the challenges of not knowing any pharmacists. I didn’t have anyone to look up to or ask the “dumb” questions to. I attempted to "do it all" because I thought it would make me successful. Spoiler alert… “doing it all” is the fastest way to burn yourself out. I also felt completely lost when it came to “life after pharmacy school” since traditional pharmacist roles didn't quite align with my interests.

What I needed was a mentor, someone to share their journey and help me navigate mine. My first mentor did exactly that! I learned how vital mentorship was for success in pharmacy school and beyond. I vowed to be the mentor I needed early on in my pharmacy career and help others THRIVE. This is why Learn with Libby exists!

🔄The turning point

What I do:

🤩Empowering Futures

Learn with Libby is more than a platform. It's a community dedicated to empowering the next generation of pharmacists, helping them THRIVE academically, professionally, and personally. I offer mentorship & resources that promote growth.

Mission, Vision, & Values

My mission is clear—to be the mentor I needed when I was lost. Learn with Libby is driven by the belief that everyone can thrive with the right resources and support from the right mentors. My vision is to create a space where aspiring pharmacists have accessible mentorship and resources that provide actionable steps to help them successfully navigate their journey.


Keep it Transparent - show up authentically

Help one another- through support and advocacy

Share our Resources- no gatekeeping around here

Inspire each other- by lifting up our peers and celebrating each other's wins

Provide Value - develop high-quality resources and make them accessible

Empower all - equip others with the tools they need to follow what excites them

🫶🏾Join the Community

Learn with Libby is your companion on your pharmacy journey. Whether you're a student seeking mentorship, an organization looking for an insightful speaker, or an individual inspired by the pharmacy profession, you're welcome here.

Let's thrive together—because with the right mentor and resources, your goals are within reach.

Ready to thrive? Let's get started!